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When you’ve finally scored some premium cock, it’s like everyday is Valentine’s Day. For me, this means eating rich candlelit dinners almost every night of the week. It’s like being in love makes you want to feast and celebrate 24/7. Okay, now I know sex burns some calories, but trust me, it’s not enough because ever since I met the new cock in my life, I’ve been seriously packing on the pounds. It’s time to get things under control. Plus I’m going to the South of France (!!) in July and I need to look my bikini-best.
To get my diet back under control I pulled out a recipe I got from my health-conscious friend Margo Ducharme, a NYC based make up artist and serious cock-lover. What I like about her salad is the flexibility; once you get the gist of it, you can build your own version. Plus, the red quinoa makes the dish so lush and sexy-looking (there should be a “red quinoa” shade of lipstick!) that fact you’re getting all the vitamins and fibre you need is just a bonus. It also has a hot/cold component that makes it even more complex and sensual.
Despite the healthy vibe, men snarf it up like a plate of ground beef poutine. I think it’s because the quinoa has a chewy meat quality that keeps even the more carnivorous cock happy.

See? Red quinoa would make an awesome shade of lipstick.
Quinoa Kissed Salad
I make a pilaf out of the quinoa for this recipe, but you can also just sprinkle plain cooked quinoa on top too. If you make up a big batch of quinoa, you can use some during the week for more salads or as a sidedish for meat dishes, or bed for chili.
The Quinoa Pilaf
1 cup quinoa (red, but the standard beige is okay too, which is what I used in the pic)
2 cups water (or stock for more flavour)
5-7 sun-dried tomatoes (the dry bulk ones, not in liquid or oil) chopped roughly.
1 leek, cleaned and chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped (optional)
1 cup chopped mushrooms (optional)
1 tablespoon olive oil
Cold Salad Base
Two cups baby spinach
1 tomato sliced in wedges
1/2 avocado, sliced
1/2 cup sliced cucumber
1/2 cup organic frozen peas, cooked
Vinaigrette (I like the Wafu Light Japanese dressing for this, but you can make your own. Anything works, you’ll see!)
1. Add 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups water (or stock) in a small-medium sized pot. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in the pan, sautee celery, leeks, peppers and sun-dried tomatoes on med-high for 4 minutes. Add mushrooms. Cook another 4 minutes.
3. Add the cooked quinoa and mix.
4. On 2 plates, lay out a handful of baby spinach leaves. Place warm quinoa pilaf on top. Garnish with whatever veggies you like; chopped tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, a sprinkle of organic peas (Margo’s fave). Whatever you’ve got in your fridge or pantry will work.
5. Drizzle vinaigrette on top, being mindful that dressing adds calories.
As an additional salad layer, I sometimes fry up sliced tofu and lay it on top of the quinoa (about 4 small cubes or rectangles per salad.) Again, if you fry up extra, you can use the same salad materials all week.)

I used regular white quinoa here, which though less pretty, makes the deep red sun-dried tomatoes pop.