The Craig’s List ride to NYC worked out perfectly (cheap and fast) though, when crossing the border, the female official wasn’t very impressed. “Rideshare?” she squinted distastefully. “Aren’t y’all afraid of being killed?”
Luckily “Bobby” our rideshare driver was a sweet man (not a serial killer) and I am alive and well and writing to you from a Williamsburg apartment where my friend Chris, a “Smoke” artist at Deluxe, lives.
Last night Chris took us to Diner and we gorged our faces on the bloodiest medium rare burgers I’ve ever seen. The restaurant is in a converted train car, packed with ethusiastic hipsters, geeksters and wannabes geniuses. Chris says it’s his regular spot, and I can see why. (The all-brunette waitresses were a mod squad of loveliness.) As good as the Diner food was, the walk after dinner was even better. I particularly loved the curves of light marking the Williamsburg bridge, the inspiring view of Manhattan and the gaggle of Hassids who gathered near us in the little riverfront parkette. (Was Montreal following us?)
Next stop? Lower Manhattan, including a trip to the New Museum, shopping, and maybe lunch at Cafe Habana, a Cuban restaurant/cafe I stumbled upon in an earlier trip and totally loved. For the weekend? Bowling. Chris says The Gutter bowling alley is like “a hipster rally.” We were going to go last night, but I felt it would be better to wait for Saturday, when the FC arrives (he’s good with balls). I can’t wait to observe the French Cutiepie in a New York context.
October 16th, 2009 at 2:00 am
Cafe Gitane
242 Mott St., New York, NY 10012
at Prince St.
The humus plate with yogurt, mint, and rose petals.. lovers and bffs unite.
And tis right around the corner from Habana.
Ride Share, bravo!!