I don’t know the recipe for love, but I do know the recipe for romance:
1 cute guy that really digs you.
Don’t question. Just enjoy.
My friend Brent was right: this trip is the FC’s turn to “cook” for me, and he’s proving to be a master chef. He’s kind, attentive, good-humoured always, showing me the best France has to offer. So far we’ve been to a wedding in an old castle, stayed at a charming “git” (small hotel) in the Lyon region, feasted on some of the best food and wine I’ve had in my life and now we’re staying at a private villa in the Cote Azur.
I don’t have time to give you a full culinary report (as I write, the F.C. is tugging at my arm to go the Giens market) but I will very soon.
In the mean time, soak up this view.

View from the terrace of the FC's grandparents' villa in Giens, a small village in the Cote D'Azur.