

Now that I’m no longer cruising and boozing it up in Montreal bars (thanks to the FC, who’s affection keeps me happily intoxicated right at home) I find myself missing certain summertime cocktails. Maybe that’s why, at the SAQ yesterday, I decided to stray from the wine section to see what else was on offer. That’s when I noticed a bottle of white port (“porto” for les francais) and remembered one of my favourite summertime cocktails; White Port and Tonic.


I discovered the drink last summer at the Baldwin Barmacy where my friend Rina tends bar. It’s tart and sweet and way more exciting then a gin and tonic. Before then, I didn’t even know white port existed!


It was 31 degrees yesterday and the perfect occasion to whip up an icy cold “wp and t” and head out to the terrace. Sadly, the FC wasn’t crazy about it, but at least that means I’ll always have a bottle of white port in the fridge for me and my girlfriends. So let’s call this one a “chicktail.”


White Port and Tonic


2 ounces White Port
4 ounces Tonic
Lemon or lime wedge
Sprig of mint from the garden (I grew some on my terrace this year)


Mix, garnish and enjoy.


So refreshing!

One Response to “A Girl In Every Porto”

  1. Margo Says:

    NOW!!! i want it, need it… must have it .. NOW!
    The whole picture really..
    I know a certain cock who delights in fine (and not so fine even, maybe)..
    Your white port version feels like the more feminine spin. i like it!
    Will try also with a sparklling water for a spritzer variation.
    Thx Laura!

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