

I was giving some more thought to the whole “cleaning for cooch” conundrum (see Cleaning For Cooch) and I feel I may have underplayed the gravity of the situation. Many men don’t clean, which is very frustrating. (As I write this article I can see the breakfast table, full of dirty dishes that the FC didn’t even bother to clear away before heading out to work.)


Yet why shouldn’t men clean, especially if you’re the one doing all the cutting, chopping and cooking?


Of course if your man does other things (like driving and snaking your drain) don’t nag him to death either. Expecting an equal division of all household labour is emasculating for men and not good for women either (mostly because we don’t like emasculated men.)


But maybe it’s just a question of finding the right cleaning accessories; to make cleaning more macho (like automechanics, or shaving.)


I had a quick scan of the internet and found a line of manly-looking cleaning brushes by Oxo. The sleek steel casing adds to the macho appeal so your guy can pretend he’s washing his Ferrari instead of your sticky frying pan.  Here’s my top pick. 


This brush/soap squirting dispenser looks very cock-friendly, if not, cock-like. Will men appreciate it? Or be threatened?

This soap-squirting dish brush from Oxo looks pretty manly. Will guys appreciate it, or be threatened?

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