We’re deep into the second week of our cottage renovation and so far the relationship is holding strong. I especially love seeing the excitement in the FC’s eyes as the new windows go in (they’ll be finished tomorrow) and the pride he shows when he accomplishes a task, like tearing down a wall, or ripping tiles off the bathroom wall. The cottage is his “baby” and as co-owner, he treats it differently then my apartment where we live now. For one, the FC actually cleans!! At the end of every work session, the FC is the first to reach for the broom, carefully sweeping up the dust and debris. (At my apartment the FC rarely touches a broom unless I ask, and when he does, he treats it like an alien relic, unsure quite how it works. )
So if co-owning a house brings out the FC’s inner clean freak, I’ll be a very happy woman. Maybe this renovation will make our relationship even better! (But talk to me in Week 3.)

Actually, the FC looks more like a confused snorkeler then a hunky construction worker, but hey- he's still my man!