Archive for June, 2010

June 10th, 2010 Uncategorized | Leave a comment !




With the cottage renovation nearing completion (so much to say on that topic) and two screenwriting projects on the go, I’ve just been too swamped to blog or cook. Frozen peas, instant mashed potatoes (they’re good) simple mixed green salads, couscous, frozen perogis and Knorr Carrot and Coriander soup boxes have saved my ass.


Not having special dining time with the FC is definitely a challenge. I miss gazing into his big blue eyes over the candlelit dinner table. Instead, we snarf down a hasty supper and quibble about shady contractors, renovation delays and all round stress. It’s conclusive. Renovations are NOT part of the recipe for love. But they are a test, that’s for sure, though the FC is constantly reminding me not to take the temperature of the relationship now, while under duress. (He’s so wise.)


The good news is that I love what I’m writing, especially a new ghost series pilot for CBC (more details to come.) I think that’s definitely part of the recipe for love. Loving what you do. It makes you happy even when everything else feels out of whack. Though under a tight deadline, the writing has been a sanctuary from other pressures.


And on that note, back to work. Will blog again soon. Promise.


Illustration by Ola Kononova.