The 8 Inch Banana Vs The Strawberry Buttermilk Pancakes




Almost good enough to end a relationship over.


I adapted this from Jane Brody’s “Good Food Gourmet.” What’s amazing is that these pancakes are also health-conscious-ish.  I pour the batter sparingly,  into small circles, slowly so they don’t run (three per pan) and they have a delightful crispy fried feeling (vs cake-y and dry.)   Garnish with strawberries, bananas and riccotta cheese.   Maple syrup also de rigeur.


Dry Ingredients


1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup all purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar

2 teaspoons baking soda

1/8 teaspoon salt


Wet Ingredients


1 egg

3 cups buttermilk

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

canola oil (for frying)


Sliced strawberries or bananas


Riccotta cheese




1. In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients, mixing them well.

2. In a medium bowl, beat the egg lightly, and add the buttermilk and vanilla, mixing well.

3. When you’re ready to cook the pancakes, lightly oil your frying pan with canola oil, coating surface well, heating over medium.  Then make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour in the wet ingredients, mixing just enough to moisten. Do not overmix.

4. On the heated frying pan, pour sufficent batter to make three small (3-inch to 3, 5 inch diameter) pancakes.  Pour slowly so the batter doesn’t run off.  (At this stage, I add a few sliced bananas or strawberries on top so they are “inside” the pancake, and warm, when served. It’s my signature move –versus laying the fruit on top only.  You can always use blueberries, again, adding the fruit while the pancake is in the pan, NOT the batter, which will turn blue otherwise.)

As the pancakes start to bubble, and/or feel sturdy enough under your spatula, flip them over and lightly brown them on the other side. Repeat the process, adding more canola oil each time, until you have the required number.  You can keep the cooked pancakes warm in the oven as you cook or serve immediately.  Serve with the non-fruited side up (it looks prettier, as the fruit tends to stick just a little.)

5. Garnish with syrup, or tablespoon of riccota cheese and  additional sliced strawberries and bananas.


From ”When Cock Turns Cook”