Welcome to Heliopolis, a beautiful island and nature reserve in the French Mediterrean. Clothing optional.


The FC dives into the colony's lifestyle.

The FC dives into the colony's lifestyle.


The FC’s parents rented a sailboat for our stay and yesterday afternoon we went on a sailing tour which ended at Heliopolis, the home of their friends Fabrice and Regis, a gay couple who bought on a house on this island nudist colony two years ago.


More notable than all the hootie and patootie passing us on the road up the hill, was the food. Fabrice, the obvious chef in the relationship,  prepared us a four course meal that included a lemon rissotto, something I just made recently back in Canada. But this rissotto was different, more potent and complex with an appealing sourness. When I inquired about the unique flavour, Fabrice went to his pantry and pulled out a jar of “citron confit,” small preserved lemons. He uses these instead of fresh lemons (five preserved lemons for two pans of risotto.) 


The special ingredient in Fabrice's risotto: citron confit, typically used in Middle Eastern or Morroccan dishes.

The special ingredient in Fabrice's risotto: citron confit, typically used in Middle Eastern or Morroccan dishes.



But perhaps my favourite dish was Fabrice’s entree: a tomato tart with three layers; tomato coulis, sun-dried tomatoes and fresh.   It was utterly delectable and I regretted not accepting seconds.  I’m going to have him send me the recipe and will share with you as soon as possible.


Fabrice's Triple Tomato Tart.

Fabrice's Triple Tomato Tart


After the cheese plate (a typical French ritual I’m getting dangerously addicted to) Fabrice served a desert tart,  featuring tangy fresh peaches and rosemary, a pairing that works amazingly well.


For me, Fabrice set a new bar for entertaining. Four pies and two pans of risotto?   Each day I’m here French hosptitality continues to impress.


I also discovered a French superstition. During dinner, when I polished off the last of a yummy bottle of Chablis, Fabrice’s friend, another resident of the island, told me that if you drink the last glass of a bottle of wine it means you’ll be married in a year. I laughed. I’ve finished off many bottles of wine in my lifetime, no wedding bells. That’s when the FC chimed in and said, “Yes, but not in France.” I smiled. It’s so great how the FC can make jokes like that without feeling embarrassed or awkward. No matter what happens between us after this trip, I’ll never regret knowing him (but I will always regret not having seconds of Fabrice’s tart.)


The name of Fabrice and Regis' cottage.

Address of Fabrice and Regis' house on the island.


The boat arrived at Heliopolis at magic hour, when the FC snapped this perfect picture.

The boat arrived at Heliopolis at magic hour, where the FC snapped this perfect picture.

This couple, friends of Fabrice and Regis, also own a cottage on the island. The gentleman in the T-shirt is the one who poured me the last of the Chablis.

This couple, friends of Fabrice and Regis, also own a cottage on the island. The gentleman in the T-shirt is the one who poured me the last of the Chablis.


View of sea from beach at Heliopolis.

Naked beauty: View of the sea from the beach at Heliopolis.

3 Responses to “Clothing Optional, Good Food De Rigueur”

  1. rada Says:

    Laura, babe, you look fantastic so does your surrounding.

    Here is my Moroccan style pickled lemons recipe contribution:

    You will need:
    1 big glass jar
    lemons to fill it
    rock salt (bring some from South France beaches)

    Starting around a centimeter or so from the tip of the lemon, make around 8-9 vertical slits (you mustn’t slice the lemon apart).
    Add generous amount of salt. Fill with cold water.
    Close the jar loosely and place it in a cool, dry place for 3 weeks.
    Drain the jar of its funny looking liquid and repeat the process one more time (another 2-3 weeks). Drain well one more time (you might have to remove some floating pieces of fruit). The rind slices are ready to eat!


  2. laura Says:

    Thanks so much Rada. I will make this as soon as I get back to Canada. (And yes, I must get some rock salt while I’m here.)

  3. Mao Says:

    I’m very sensitive to pictures when I read a recipe and this one touched me so I really wanted to share it with you :o)


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