In less than two months, the FC and I will be renovating the new coachouse. It’s exciting and confusing as this perfectionist Libra ponders the endless options. Tiles and countertops and flooring, oh my!


Nailing the kitchen layout will be key. It’s a narrow space so we’ll have to keep things efficient and streamlined. For inspiration, I looked up Julie Child’s Paris kitchen. (Pictured above.) See the peg board on the wall in the background? It’s like a garage or carpenter’s workshop, so masculine and practical. But unless we tear down walls, we have much less space to work with. I also want something more modern and fun. (Ms Child’s kitchen is on the dowdy side or is that sacreligious to say?) The FC hopes we can track down some interesting secondhand cupboards — he likes to keep things vintage (ie, cheap) when possible. And I don’t disagree.


So if you stumble upon a small kitchen design you like, or just want to share a cool idea or kitchen product,  please let me know. We need all the help we can get. (I’ll be posting the dimensions and layout of the cottage soon so stay tuned.)


2 Responses to “Dream Kitchen”

  1. Margo Says:

    oh.. i wonder if those old cupboards found a new home just a few months shy of your own necessity!? anyway.. out with the old old, in with the new old.
    here is my fave blog of the past year..(alongside CFC bien sur!)
    loads to inspire..requires sifting for interior specific:
    others worth scrolling:

  2. Laura Says:

    Here’s to the new old! (Those cupboards were done.)
    Thanks for the references Margo. Keep ‘em coming.

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