

Once upon a time, I met a hot French guy  (also known as the French Cutiepie) at a party. He looked like Michelangelo’s Statue of David, with a straight Roman nose, curly blonde locks and big blue eyes. But unlike the statue, he wasn’t made of stone. Despite our language difference (and it was big) it was like he instantly understood me; my quirks, my fears, my need for control… and he liked it. With determination and humour he charged through every obstacle I put in his way. He said “what we ‘ave is rare” and that “we are lucky.”


In the first few weeks of us dating, I found myself cooking for him more and more.  It just seemed so natural and cozy and perfect. He loved my food, I loved his adorable French accent.  I was also taking time off from my screenwriting career and cooking was a natural way for me to exercise my creativity without the stress (and with much more immediate and satisfying results.)


Each night as I pranced around the kitchen the F.C. would take pictures and interview me about the recipes. I told him that I once wanted to write a sexy cookbook and he suggested I make a blog instead. As an extra push, he even bought me the domain and helped set up the blog template. That’s when “cooking for cock” was born, or re-born.


As soon as I started writing, it became clear how much cooking and love were related. (I don’t cook for people I don’t like and rarely for people I work with.) I also realized how many personal things are revealed in the kitchen (like the bedroom, it’s a hotspot of emotion and conflict.) So my blog isn’t just a recipe blog with a sexy spin, it’s also a diary about how food and relationships interconnect. ( “Sex & the Kitchen” anyone?) Cooking and love are both about chemistry, after all. Could there be a recipe for true love? And with the French Cutiepie, had I finally found it?


Of course I’m terrified, since some of my stories are personal. But I guess that’s what cooking (and blogging) is all about. Taking chances. Experimenting. And serving up dishes (and posts) before they get cold.

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